Here are some answers to frequently asked questions:

  • Why don’t some of the progressions end in a resolution?

The reason we keep progressions open ended is that we want to challenge our followers to make these progressions their own and come up with their own resolutions. These posts are supposed to help inspire a beginning or perhaps help with writer’s block.

  • Why did you switch from the original handwritten notes to computer generated graphics?

When CotD first started, we didn’t know how long this would last or if we would get a following. As our numbers have grown, we’ve decided to put a little more effort into this endeavor. We don’t know what the future holds, but we will try to keep doing this as long as we see that there is interest in what we’re doing.

  • How often do you post new content?

Every day, Monday to Friday, between 5am and 8am +2 GMT. (Note that we are based in Finland and that during DST, our posting time may shift in your region if you do not also switch to DST.)

Here are some basic timezone conversions:

Japan (+9 GMT): 12pm to 3pm

Hong Kong/Manila (+8 GMT): 11am to 2pm

Helsinki (+2 GMT): 5am to 8am [this is the CotD home time zone]

London (GMT): 3am to 6am

US East Coast (-5 GMT): 10pm to 1am [posting date is behind 1day]

US Pacific Coast (-8 GMT): 7pm to 10pm [posting date is behind 1day]

To learn more about GMT, read this article.

We may change posting times without prior warning. Please follow us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or Tumblr, to always receive the latest updates as soon as we post them.

You can also subscribe to our email list through the subscription button at the bottom of the page.


Standard World Time Zones